WAV Specialised Transport, Dubai
Wheelchair Accessible Vehicles for Rent
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have any questions about renting a vehicle at WAV Specialised Transport? Here are some of the most common ones we get from our users. Browse the list, and if you still can’t find what you’re looking for, please get in touch.

We are located in Dubai; however, our vehicles are available to rent throughout the United Arab Emirates.
Business Hours
We are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for pick up and drop off of vehicles. We will return any calls, WhatsApp messages or emails within business hours as soon as possible, 7 days a week.
Replacement Vehicle
In case of an accident or breakdown, we will come to you and replace the vehicle as soon as possible.
A reservation will be confirmed once the security deposit has been paid.
Cancellations may be made up to 14 days in advance of hire with a charge of 5% of the total cost to cover transaction and administration charges that WAV Specialised Transport LLC has incurred..
Cancellations made within 13 days or less of the due vehicle collection date are subject to loss of deposit.
Vehicle Delivery & Return
The vehicle is to be delivered and returned to Galleria Mall parking lot in Al Barsha, Dubai.
If you require the vehicle to be delivered or returned elsewhere, there will be a minimum fee based on the location.
You must not sit in a scooter while travelling in a WAV.
It is important to note that you cannot sit in a mobility scooter while travelling in a WAV. Unlike a wheelchair, the passenger cannot be secured in the mobility scooter safely enough for travel. Mobility scooters are open at the sides and the handlebar could pose a serious risk of injury in the event of an accident.
Airport Services
We advise our customers to use Dubai Taxi's for People of Determination to get to and from the airport as this is the most cost effective solution.
Driver’s Restrictions
All drivers must be at least 21 years old with a full license obtained more than one year prior to the rental period. Please see Terms and Conditions regarding the mandatory license requirements.
Additional Drivers
May be added at the time of booking and are subjected to the same mandatory requirements as the main driver. There is no extra charge for this service.
What is a kneeling suspension system?
A kneeling system lowers the rear suspension on one side of the vehicle to decrease the incline of a wheelchair ramp or to make it fall flush with a curb. The majority of our vehicles have this feature – please see ‘Our Vehicles’ page. The kneeling system can be switched off if required.
All of our vehicles have comprehensive insurance against accident damage, fire, theft, third party injury and damage. The excess on the insurance is up to 3000 AED per claim.
Wheelchair Safety
Our vehicles offer a variety of restraints – Q’Straints, Q'Lock, EZ restraints and EZ Lock. Please refer to each car to see specific details.
Wheelchair Passengers
Our vehicles can accommodate 1 or 2 wheelchair passengers – please see ‘Our Vehicles’ page.
Child Safety
You can provide your own child seat or use one of ours if available. Please refer to the relevant government websites for up-to-date information regarding the legal requirements for child restraints.
All major credit cards by Visa or Mastercard are accepted. Bank transfers can be made using the bank details provided on your invoice.
Toll Gates in Dubai and Abu Dhabi
Our cars are registered with the toll gates in Dubai (Salik) and Abu Dhabi (Darb). Renters are not required to do anything when passing through a toll gate as it is all electronically activated. You will be charged for any tolls incurred while driving the vehicles. This will be payable at the end of the rental period.
An extra fee of 1AED per transaction at the toll gates shall be made payable at the end of the rental period or be taken from the security deposit.
No Smoking
A strict non-smoking policy applies in all vehicles. WAV reserves the right to charge for vehicle deodorising and loss of income whilst the vehicle is restored to its original smoke free condition.
Driving Range
The vehicle may be driven anywhere in the U.A.E. If the renter would like to take the car outside of the U.A.E., prior permission must be obtained from WAV and any applicable insurance fees will be applied.
Kilometre allowance
We don’t have one! Enjoy your time in the car without worrying about the kilometres you do.
The vehicle will be rented out with a full tank of fuel and must be returned with a full tank of fuel. If refuelling is required, an additional fee of 300AED will be applied.
A standard full to full addition may be purchased at the time of booking for a cost of 300 AED so that the vehicle may be returned with less than a full tank of fuel.
Traffic Fines
The renter is responsible for any traffic fines accrued during the rental period, including, (but not limited to) speeding, parking, phone use and seat belts.
The information of the traffic fine received from the government authority may be delayed, therefore we are not responsible for the delay in the customer being notified.
The charges, plus 10% administration fee, will be invoiced to the customer.